Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mixed Messages.

It's hard to really complain about ANYTHING when you think about the grand scheme of things. The recent events in Haiti definitely made me think about that-but the other disasters of the world that go on everyday should not be overlooked for a second. My friend's status the other day read:

Shame on you America: the only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations. 99% of people won't have the guts to copy and repost this. I did!

One comment responding read: Fuck Haiti!
I had so much to say, but I avoid facebook drama at all costs. I disagree with this comment completely, as we are most definitely not the ONLY country where there is homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, etc etc. Yes, our healthcare is currently abysmal, and the people running our government have evinced their stinginess for far too long-but progress has been made. The benefit for Haiti was a great thing, and I think Americans realized how badly we fucked up during the Katrina disaster, and made sure that wouldn't happen again. Haiti hasn't had the tools they've needed to live fulfilling lives even before the earthquake, and it seems now that everything is lost. They need all the help they can get. I love the man who made the status, and he'd probably hate me if he read this, but I disagree with the statement-completely. I would never disrespect him, and I don't think my reaction was disrespectful either.

As for the man who said "Fuck Haiti!", I hope he realizes when he says that, people like me translate this as a hate message to those children in Haiti who've had to get their legs amputated, or those trapped underneath the rubble that have gone days without food or water, or those who have a mother or father missing. It could have been possible that he didn't mean this at all-but that's why hateful comments like that should not be posted on the internet in the first place because it gets misconstrued into a myriad of mixed messages.

Call me naive, call me ignorant, call me stupid, but this is what I think.

Like I said
, it's hard to be upset about the miseries of your own life when things like this are happening everyday. I'm trying to remain positive, had a few photo project ideas today. I've been pretty isolated from the world recently, but I'll creep out of my cage sooner or later. For now, all I know is-There's Beauty in the Breakdown.

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